Why a Custom Camp Retreat?
Something for everyone on the team
Start every morning with yoga, a nature hike, or just sleep in. Then shoot some arrows at our archery range or take on the climbing tower. Light physical activity reduces stress while reinforcing and promoting a healthy lifestyle for everyone.
Feeling like something less active? There is no understating the restorative power of art. Whether making their own jewelry, tie dying a custom t-shirt, or just coloring under the shade of a tree, your team will enjoy the well established health benefits of creating art, all in the name of good fun.
Energize your team with childlike play and wonder. Play is fun and triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
Imagine how good it will feel to see your team laughing and playing together in some of the most magical and beautiful locations California has to offer.

Intentional creativity and innovation
Camp is more than just fun. By playing in the woods, your team will actually increase their creativity and productivity when they come back to work. By stimulating your team’s imagination through new experiences, their ability to innovate and make new leaps and connections will dramatically increase.
Playful activities have been proven to reduce stress and increase well being. These experiences allow your team the opportunity to truly refresh. Don’t think it matters?
MIT’s Sloan School of Management has added improv classes to their curriculum because they recognize the power of additive feedback and play.
Intelligence is determined by a network of regions across both sides of the brain and the number of connections between them. Play has been proven to stimulate brain growth and create new connections in the brain, ever expanding what is possible for any individual or team.

Relax and get some perspective
Studies have shown that stress caused by work and an unhealthy relationship with technology are major causes of unhappiness in people’s personal and professional lives. We understand how hard it is to put down the screens and let work go for a while, which is why Custom Camps offers an opportunity to get out of the tech filled hustle and bustle of the office and into the quiet serenity of the redwoods.

Learn by trying new things
Custom Camps also addresses one of the major obstacles to reaching our potential . . . fear. At a Custom Camp Retreat your team can experience courageously trying new things without the constant fear of failure.
The internalized values of acceptance and support that thrive at camp allow your team to try on not being afraid of making mistakes and instead seeing them as opportunities for growth and learning. Many of our greatest inventions came from hundreds of mistakes. Imagine what your team might create if they knew how to celebrate their mistakes.